Monday, October 3, 2011

I am OK, You are OK, it's OK... or NOT

Sometimes in our devotional life dilemmas present themselves.


 "I follow the principles, it is ok to eat this, it is vegetarian, I know it has been prepared by non devotees but I will offer it and it looks very good.  It is ok; I will offer it to Krishna…  The unreadable ingredients are just flavors or preservatives, it is ok."

"It is ok to watch TV, it doesn't hurt anyone, it doesn't break any principles, it relaxes me, I know how to remember Krishna while doing these things, it is only a movie, come on...
Want to watch with us"

"It is ok to go out and party, I am not breaking any rules - most of the time...
It is my life, Krishna knows my heart, He knows I love Him."


"What is my priority?
What is the focus of my life?
Do I want to go back to Krishna in this life or... whenever I get there?
Am I living a minimum or a maximum commitment to re-awakening my love for Krishna?
Scenic route or freeway?”

When taking the scenic route it may be said that the speed being less, there is some integral safety, accidents may not be as harmful. It may also be the mind expressing a futile attempt at dissuading us from fast tracking back to Krishna. There is a very real danger of wanting to make a few stops on the scenic route, visiting this pleasure that gratification, following the senses for yet another distraction; the focus can be easily weakened. direction can be lost. I am actually fed up with the body and mind’s constant suggestion to engage in the allurements of the scenic route I am fed up with the allurements of that route, cheating me from arriving sooner at my destination. What appears to be a safe journey is nothing more that flirting with maya, testing how strong we are in her presence. I already know the answer, I am weak, without Krishna's mercy and that of his devotees I stand no chance so why test, why flirt with maya? The beauty of my destination cannot be compared with its foggy reflection in this world. No more pit stop, no more scenic routes, I am gratefully developing disdain and contempt for these allurements.

"Please my dear Lord Krishna allow me to choose the freeway "

Do I want to be an "ok" devotee or do I want to be ecstatic, transcendental, serving Radha Krishna with unalloyed prema? The answer is clear for me. I am not satisfied to simply come to the human platform by proper behavior I want to get to my goal in this life.

Do I want to repeatedly endeavor in this material world? or am I eager to get out.

Today I pray:

“O son of Nanda, Krishna, king of the country of love, I appeal for your affection, I am your servant. I feel deep within myself that I have connection to you. I am subordinate to You, but somehow I am now in adverse circumstances. There are so many enemies within me trying to take me away from You. Therefore I cannot give my full attention to You and Your name.
At the same time I feel, from the deepest place in my heart, that you are my master. You are all and everything to me. My heart will never be satisfied without Your companionship, so I appeal to You.  I am under unfavorable circumstances. I am suffering. And without your grace I do not find any relief from my present imprisoned condition.”
 (as quoted in a lecture by H.H. Mahanidhi Swami from Caitanya mahaprabhu’ 5th Siksastaskam prayer)

One steady step at a time, walking towards Radha Krishna's service and love,
your servant, gopi-bhartuh pada-kamalayor dasa-dasanu-dasah

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Love to follow your footsteps Mother for I know you are on the path of true love and surrender to the lord who is all nectar of sweetness and kindness, merciful to all.